Types Of Fishing: Which One Is Better For You? [Updated]

Types Of Fishing: Which One Is Better For You? [Updated]

Fishing can be done in a variety of ways, from angling to electrofishing. It can also be divided into different categories depending on the kind of animal being caught; for example, shrimping is the term for fishing shrimp, and gigging is the term for using a spear with tines to catch frogs. This method of fishing can also be divided into categories based on the fisherman’s objectives, the location where the fish are caught, or the tools employed.

Learn about the different types of fishing in this article, along with their main distinctions. Along with discussing some of the benefits and drawbacks, we’ll also discuss why it’s so well-liked.

Freshwater Fishing

You can fish in various types of bodies of water, each of which has its own species of fish and necessitates a particular technique. Freshwater fishing offers a wide variety of locations, scenery, and fish, making it very diverse.

Natural waters and artificial waters are the first two categories of freshwater fishing to differentiate. Fish have been released into many fishing ponds so that fishermen can catch fish. These are excellent locations for fishing and can help you catch fish, but they don’t offer the same experience as fishing in rivers or lakes that are naturally occurring. We’re going to concentrate on natural waters in this article because artificial fishing ponds don’t need as much explanation.

Lakes/ponds and rivers make up the two main categories of freshwater. Depending on where you are, both have their benefits and can hold freshwater giants.


Commercial, recreational, and sport fishing are the three primary goal-based categories. One of the riskiest jobs in the world is the commercial type, which is done for a living. The second kind is recreational, which is carried out for amusement and is typically limited in scope. A variation on this is catch and release fishing, in which anglers catch fish for amusement before releasing them. Nearly anyone can go recreational fishing, but different areas do require licenses. Sport fishing, a subset of recreational fishing in which anglers compete to catch particular species of fish or fish of a certain weight, is another type of fishing.


The location where fish are caught can also be used to classify fishing. In this classification, there are two main groups: freshwater and marine. Deep sea, surfcasting, and netting are common types of marine fishing. Angling and trapping are two popular freshwater sports.


The equipment used is another way to group the various types of fishing.

Hands Only

Without any equipment other than a person’s hands, many traditional types of fishing are conducted. The most typical application of this method, also known as hand fishing, is to catch fish in streams. A few variations on this are noodling, which is used specifically to catch catfish, and tickling, in which a person rubs a fish’s belly to put it into a stupor, and then grabs it out of the water. Other types are used on animals other than fish — for instance, some people dive underwater to pick up sea creatures, particularly oysters, lobsters, and abalone.

Handheld Equipment

An angler uses a rod and a line attached to it to hook fish, making it the most popular method of fishing done with hand-held equipment. By putting lures close to the hook or by putting live bait on the hook, the fisherman tries to get the fish to bite. A variation of this is fly fishing, in which a special rod and line are used.

Other types of hand fishing include kite fishing, which involves tying a baited line to a kite, and poke poling, in which individuals use a pole with a line attached to it to poke it under rocks along the shore in an effort to hook creatures beneath the rocks. There is also ice fishing, which is done through a hole in ice, and trolling, in which a person draws a lure through the water in order to attract fish. Surfcasting is a different technique in which a person casts a baited line into the water while standing on the beach.

Nets And Traps

Hand netting, trawling, tangle netting, and cast netting are some of the various types of netting. Large scale fishers engage in trawling more frequently, which involves casting a large net off the back of a boat and dragging it through the water or along the ocean floor. Because of the potential harm to the ocean floor, this technique is frequently debatable.

Fish traps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from the straightforward to the complex. For example, a simple fish trap might be a plastic bottle with the top cut off, flipped over, and reinserted into the bottom half, or it might be a basket with funnel-shaped entrances. Different types of traps for catching specific types of animals, including crab traps, lobster traps, and eel traps.


Projectiles like arrows or spears are frequently used by people to catch fish. Modern fishers frequently use spear guns to help power the spear, making it move more quickly and function more effectively, despite the fact that ancient spears were powered by hand. In either fresh or salt water, you can perform either type.

Types Of Fishing Which One Is Better For You [Updated]
Types Of Fishing: Which One Is Better For You? [Updated]

Popular Freshwater Fish

Below are some popular freshwater fish to go after are:

Freshwater Bass

There are many different varieties of bass that can be caught, and these fish are very popular among freshwater anglers.

Alligator Gar

This fish, which has an intimidating appearance and can grow to be up to 3 meters long, is a prized catch.


Because they are so challenging to catch, musky are a prized catch. Finding them is difficult enough, but reeling them in is a difficult task as well, making it all the more impressive when you succeed.


Many different species of carp are caught worldwide, making them a very popular freshwater fish.


Of course, because salmon are so well-known, they are a common fish to catch. They are prized catches that are frequently caught during the salmon run. The majority of the world’s nations, however, have fishing regulations because of declining populations.


Crappies are a prized catch for many freshwater anglers, and crappie fishing is becoming more and more popular.


There are many different species of catfish, many of which are prized catches and grow to enormous sizes.


Stugeon are a very popular catch, especially when they’re large, and they can grow to be incredibly large for freshwater fish.

Prized Saltwater Fish

Fishing in saltwater has developed into a true sport, with a variety of prized catches that include both small, uncommon fish and enormous, thrilling behemoths. Below is a short overview of some of the most prized saltwater catches:

Blue Marlin

Large aquatic mammals with long, pointed snouts are known as blue marlin. Despite being listed as endangered, fishing is still permitted as long as the fish are returned to the ocean after being caught. Due to their impressive size, distinctive appearance, and legendary fighting spirit, they are one of the most prized saltwater catches.


Marlin and sailfish have very similar appearances, with a few minor but significant differences. They have a legendary reputation among saltwater fishermen because they are among the fastest and most elusive saltwater fish in existence.

Bluefin Tuna

When caught, bluefin tuna can put up a fierce fight and are difficult to handle. These enormous fish have a reputation for continuing to fight after they have been hooked and can weigh more than 400 kg.


The swordfish is recognized by its long sword at the end of its head and resembles both sailfin and marlin in appearance. They are challenging to locate and very challenging to reel in. Due to their quick speed and great power, catching one of these giants requires a special setup.


Tarpon are particularly difficult to catch because they can jump out of the water, which can cause the hook to fall out. They are also elusive.


Since wahoo are among the fastest fish in the ocean, catching one of these enormous fish will require hot reels and a significant amount of effort. They’re not only elusive and swift, but once hooked, they can be challenging to maintain on the line.

What Kind Of Fishing Is Best For Me?

Many hobbyists don’t choose just one, and you’ll frequently notice a clearer division between freshwater and saltwater fishing than between the various types of freshwater fishing or saltwater fishing. That being said, the method that’s used is often a bigger factor than the “type” of fishing.

There are a few different fishing techniques, and there are numerous variations of each. We’re only going to concentrate on fishing done with a line or rod in this post because we won’t be discussing net fishing or spear fishing.

I will mention handfishing, which is becoming more and more popular and can be used to catch different species of catfish. Though it’s not recommended for those with weak hearts, it’s an intriguing technique. Check out our article on the subject if you’re interested.

Among the most common fishing techniques are angling and fly fishing. Fish are caught using an angling rod, line, and hook; bait is used to entice the fish. The main distinction in fly fishing is that artificial lures are used to draw in fish.

Both techniques have different fish species in mind and require different technical proficiency. Each of these methods has many different “sub-methods” which are used in various situations. Depending on what you enjoy doing and the kind of fish you’re after, you may have a preference for a specific method.


There are two main types of fishing: freshwater fishing and saltwater fishing. Additionally, there are a variety of techniques, the two most popular being fly fishing and angling. You must experiment and try various types of fishing before deciding on the one that is best for you. While some recreational anglers may have a preference, many enjoy experimenting with various techniques and changing the kind of fishing they do.

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